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12 October 2023

Ferry Project Cookery School Opening Soon

Later this month, Ferry Project will open their new cookery school within the hostel. The school, which will be run by new Ferry Project staff member Alison Crouch, will give the charity a space to run classes teaching both their clients and the wider community. 

Prior to opening, the kitchen in the Ferry Project hostel has been completely gutted and refitted with new cookers, air fryers and other utensils. This allows for a wide range of classes to be taught, as well as expanding the maximum capacity of the kitchen to twelve people per class. It is estimated that the school will open in the next few weeks.

Cooking classes will be available to clients staying in the hostel, and will focus on how to cook economical dishes such as fajitas and vegetable packed chilli. This will improve Ferry Projects ability to provide clients with more than just a physical place to stay; learning skills such as this helps to rebuild client’s overall confidence and ability to move on to more independent living. 

The cookery school will be available to the wider community too, and classes on specific areas of cooking such as breadmaking, Christmas cakes and Indian vegetarian cooking will be run by Alison on a regular basis. As well as this, several other cooking events will also run through the cookery school. Pop-up afternoon teas, a pudding club and a cook book club will be among those available to the Wisbech community.


Ferry Project Cookery School Opening Soon


Overlay for stylistic purposes




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